Smart and Skilled Funding (NSW)
Smart and Skilled’s ‘Skilling for Recovery’ initiative is part of a matched funding commitment of almost $320 million between the NSW and Australian governments under the JobTrainer Fund. Skilling for Recovery is a key component of the State’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan.
It includes 100,000 fee-free full and part qualification training places to reskill, retrain and redeploy the workforce to industries where there are skills shortages and emerging employment opportunities.
Skilling for Recovery will help job seekers retrain or upskill to enhance their credentials and support school leavers to enter the workforce for the first time.
Skilling for Recovery – Priority Part Qualifications
The Program is designed to enable industry and training organisations to respond rapidly to changing economic conditions and to skills needs. It aims to improve the capability of workers, those moving into work and those seeking to retrain with a particular focus on helping people to develop the skills they need to:
Get a job
Make a more informed decision about undertaking a full qualification
Transition and/or gain new employment
Remain in employment and reduce the risk of redundancy
Upskill into new processes or technology to maintain employment
Gain more work hours and/or experience.
The program is particularly targeted at industries:
Impacted by changed economic conditions as a result of the pandemic
Undergoing economic structural change that need to retrain or upskill workers to changing markets or to remain viable
Emerging industries (identified locally or on a state-wide basis, such as automation)
That create new jobs or permanent employment, or support growth in a local or regional economy
Industries that are experiencing skill shortages
Where cross-skilling existing staff can build business capability (making NSW a more robust economy),
Noted in each regional NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) document (Regional Economic Development Strategy)
Associated with NSW Government priority projects.
At this time, Smart and Skilled funding is organised between the employer, and the RTO via Benchmark Compliance. Individuals may be eligible if they satisfy the following four criteria:
Live or work in NSW
Are Australian citizens, permanent Australian residents or New Zealand citizens or a humanitarian visa holders
Are aged 15 years or older
Are no longer in secondary education.
Funded Short Courses available
Work Safely at Heights
Confined Space Entry
EWP Under 11m (Scissor lift)
EWP Over 11m (High Risk Licence)
Remove Non-Friable Asbestos
Low Voltage Rescue and CPR
Provide First Aid
Breathing Apparatus
Confined Space Rescue
Safely Access The Rail Corridor
White Card (Prepare to work safely in the construction industry)
Find out more, or register your interest
We invite NSW employers to get in contact